Recent Weekly Torah

One is Silver and the Other is Gold

by Rabbi Cheryl Peretz
posted on February 20, 2012
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
For Jews, one of the great classical sources of Jewish wisdom is Pirke Avot (Ethics of our Fathers) which contains many a statement about what this or that rabbi used to say. And, in the entire work, there is but one story, which only appears towards the end of the book. Read more...

Bees, Trees and Pleas

Headshot of Rabbi Jay Strear
by Rabbi Jay Strear
posted on February 11, 2012
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
In honor of Tu B’Shevat, I returned to tractate Rosh Hashana of the Talmud. On page 14a and b, the Rabbis discuss the New Year of the Trees and deliberate whether the date is the 1st of Shevat or the 15th of Shevat for the New Year. Amongst the discussion is a conversation about when the majority of rainfall had concluded, as thus the time in which much of the development of the new fruits of tree would have been concluded. This type of detailed conversation about the working of agriculture can be found in many places in Talmud. Read more...

We are Family

Headshot of Gail Labovitz
by Rabbi Gail Labovitz, PhD
posted on January 28, 2012
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
Who was at the table at your last Passover Seder, or seder when you were growing up? Take a moment to picture those people. How are they related to you - by blood, by common family, by marriage, by friendship, by need of a place to celebrate the holiday? Read more...

What's in a Name

Headshot of Rabbi Ronnie Cohen
by Rabbi Ronnie Cohen z"l
posted on January 22, 2012
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
A tale is told about twins who were born to a poor couple in a small village. The midwife who attended the birth was inexperienced, and even though she tied a thread around the wrist of the first born, in the confusion of the delivery and the cleaning up of the infants, and attending to the mother, who had suffered a difficult labor, by the end of the day, the thread had come off, and no one knew which boy was the elder. After fretting about the situation for a few days, the father finally said, as much to himself as to anyone else, "Well, what does it matter? Read more...

Authority Demands Humility

by Rabbi Aaron Alexander
posted on January 7, 2012
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
This is a dangerous and precarious time for God. It appears that whichever way we turn, religious and political figures are feeling emboldened to speak 'Truth' on behalf of the Almighty One. And, in many instances, the speaking of these so-called 'Truths' is leading to aggressive action. Read more...