Recent Weekly Torah

A Summary of Judaism

Rabbi Bradley Artson
by Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson
posted on January 30, 1999
One of the ironies of modern Judaism is that so many of us consider the sermon to be the high point of the Shabbat service.  In fact, a sermon in the vernacular is a relatively recent addition to the service, and our tradition, as a whole, generally minimizes the significance of preaching.  Read more...

Ready For Renewal

Rabbi Bradley Artson
by Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson
posted on January 25, 1999
Ours is an age of unparalleled uncertainty.  While we ransack the past and its accumulated wisdom for  guidance today, we also know that the degree of change in every aspect of our lives is without precedent.  Groping in the dark, treading uncertainly down a path not previously taken, modern humanity doesn't know its destination and isn't even sure it is enjoying the trip.  And we have good cause for our doubts.  Read more...

Our Legacy - Can You Dig It?

Rabbi Bradley Artson
by Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson
posted on November 23, 1998
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
Isaac is one of the least appreciated of the biblical Patriarchs. While his father, Abraham, was a public leader, the founder of ethical monotheism, and his son, Jacob, established the Jewish People and wrestled with God, Isaac is remembered mostly for being the sacrifice during the Akedah, the binding on Mount Moriah.   In today's Torah portion, we meet that same Isaac -- unimpressive, simply going along and repeating what his more prominent father had innovated in the past.   Read more...

Having a Cow Over Hostility

Rabbi Bradley Artson
by Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson
posted on November 21, 1998
Torah Reading
Have you ever noticed that the most contented people seem better able to deal with deprivation than their less happy peers, that those people with the most secure sense of being lovable are best able to hear criticism as an opportunity for their own transformation and growth?   Read more...