We are happy to share testimonials from our inaugural program participants:
"It has been a profound experience to see how deeply connected these kids have become, both to the material and each other. This unique opportunity to participate in high level learning and discussion about our tradition has been met with enthusiasm and their conversations have been reflective and insightful." (Rabbi Daniel Sher)
"We are thrilled to have the opportunity to give students a meaningful and educational learning opportunity that takes place in a supportive and low-pressure environment. By engaging in our tradition’s favorite custom - wrestling with and exploring Jewish texts – we also boost the connection that each student feels with both their own Judaism and the broader Jewish community." (Rabbi Carrie Vogel)
“In my teenage son's words, ‘It’s so special to have a place for the Jewish teens to be together. It’s a beautiful community.’ That would really be enough for me. And yet I also love that he is really engaging and grappling with the history, culture, religious traditions of Judaism. What he learns in this class is becoming part of him and he will carry forward with him.” (Parent)
"The Jewish Learning Experience has given me the opportunity to deepen my knowledge of my faith and culture like never before. The innovative approach to learning has made Jewish studies exciting and relevant to my life." (Student)