Recent Weekly Torah

Loving God and Being Loved by God

Photograph of Reb Mimi Feigelson
by Reb Mimi Feigelson
posted on July 17, 2012
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
Three words in the Torah become six words in Rashi’s commentary. They then become multiple columns of interpretation in the teachings of the Alexander Rebbe (Rabbi Yerachmiel Yisroel Yitzchak Danziger, 1853–1910). The Torah says: "ויעש כן אהרון" (Bamidbar 8:3) – "And Aharon did so". Meaning to say, that Aharon did as God commanded when lighting the menorah, the seven candles in the mishkan (tabernacle). Read more...

Flexibility vs. Steadfastness: God as a Model for When to Change One's Mind

Headshot of Elliot Dorff
by Rabbi Elliot Dorff, PhD
posted on July 14, 2012
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
And the Lord said to Moses: "The plea of Zelophad's daughters is just: you should give them a hereditary holding among their father's kinsmen; transfer their father's share to them." (Numbers 27:6) When is it proper - a virtue, in fact - to stick to what one has said in the past, and when is it proper - indeed, a virtue - to change one's mind? This is just one of many arenas in life where there is not only clear path for the righteous, where we instead need to balance two opposing virtues in order to do the wise and moral thing. Read more...

Mouthing the Words

by Rabbi Cheryl Peretz
posted on July 14, 2012
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
Do you ever find yourself talking to one friend or family member about another friend or family member? More often than not, it seems, people use these opportunities to compare themselves or to express criticism of others. Sometimes, the person sharing doesn't even realize that words they are saying about the other are really a reflection of their own self image or their own transference. The remarkable thing is, however, it takes no less energy and creates a very different impression when the words shared are ones of compliment and blessing. Read more...