Shanah Tovah from the Ziegler School!

posted on September 21, 2015
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading

Dear Friends,

The great Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel once wrote: "To pray is to pull ourselves together, to pour out our perception, volition, memory, thought, hope, feeling, dreams, all that is moving in us, into one tone. Not the words we utter, the service of the lips, but the way in which the devotion of the heart corresponds to what the words contain, the consciousness of speaking under God's eyes, is the pith of prayer." (Man's Quest For God, 15)

As these High Holy Days approach each of us has the opportunity to experience something remarkably powerful and transformative. If we can muster the energy to open our hearts and live up to Rabbi Heschel's aspirational words, anything is possible in these awe-filled days. And, it is never too early or late to begin preparing for sacred time and space. The following links are short video clips from some of us at the Ziegler School--each one offering a bit of light to keep us moving within our holy journeys. We hope you enjoy them.

Birth, Rebirth, and Renewal - Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson  

Are You On a First Name Basis with God? - Reb Mimi Feigelson  

The Unique Should of Teshuvah - Rabbis Cheryl Peretz and Aaron Alexander  

Avinu Malkheinu: From Groveling Servants to Proud Partners - Rabbi Adam Greenwald  

Also, don't forget to check our our High Holy Day resource page, filled with videos, podcast, and article to inspire you in the coming days.

Wishing you and yours a Shanah Tovah u'Metukah, a sweet year filled with blessings and love.

Rabbi Aaron Alexander,