Rabbi Bradley Artson
Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson
Author Title

Abner & Roslyn Goldstine Dean’s Chair

Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies

Vice President, American Jewish University

Author Bio

Rabbi Dr Bradley Shavit Artson (www.bradartson.com) has long been a passionate advocate for social justice, human dignity, diversity and inclusion. He wrote a book on Jewish teachings on war, peace and nuclear annihilation in the late 80s, became a leading voice advocating for GLBT marriage and ordination in the 90s, and has published and spoken widely on environmental ethics, special needs inclusion, racial and economic justice, cultural and religious dialogue and cooperation, and working for a just and secure peace for Israel and the Middle East. He is particularly interested in theology, ethics, and the integration of science and religion. He supervises the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program and mentors Camp Ramah in California in Ojai and Ramah of Northern California in the Bay Area. He is also dean of the Zacharias Frankel College in Potsdam, Germany, ordaining Conservative rabbis for Europe. A frequent contributor for the Huffington Post and for the Times of Israel, and a public figure Facebook page with over 60,000 likes, he is the author of 12 books and over 250 articles, most recently Renewing the Process of Creation: A Jewish Integration of Science and Spirit. Married to Elana Artson, they are the proud parents of twins, Jacob and Shira.  Learn more infomation about Rabbi Artson.

Posted on April 13, 2011 by Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson

This is a Q and A style format with Rabbi Artson. In this podcast, the Rabbi talks about his views on topics such as Zionism, Church and State, Pesach and Hametz, Judaism in comparison to other religions, Rabbis and making money, leaving Judaism, and authority.

Posted on April 13, 2011 by Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson

This is a Q and A style format with Rabbi Artson. In this podcast, the Rabbi talks about his views on topics such as learning from other shuls, Jews for Jesus, Evangelicals, CJ name change, faith, Rabbi persona.

Posted on March 10, 2011 by Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson

This is a Q and A style format with Rabbi Artson. In this podcast, the Rabbi talks about his views on topics such as Rabbinic authority, laws of Tefillah, CJLS ‘Lenient’ positions, new rituals, confidentiality and more.

Posted on March 4, 2011 by Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson

This is a Q and A style format with Rabbi Artson. In this podcast, the Rabbi talks about his views on topics such as Yom Ha-Shoah, Revenge, Bin Laden, Brit Milah and more.

Come On, Baby, Light My Fire

Rabbi Bradley Artson
Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson

Abner & Roslyn Goldstine Dean’s Chair

Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies

Vice President, American Jewish University

Rabbi Dr Bradley Shavit Artson (www.bradartson.com) has long been a passionate advocate for social justice, human dignity, diversity and inclusion. He wrote a book on Jewish teachings on war, peace and nuclear annihilation in the late 80s, became a leading voice advocating for GLBT marriage and ordination in the 90s, and has published and spoken widely on environmental ethics, special needs inclusion, racial and economic justice, cultural and religious dialogue and cooperation, and working for a just and secure peace for Israel and the Middle East. He is particularly interested in theology, ethics, and the integration of science and religion. He supervises the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program and mentors Camp Ramah in California in Ojai and Ramah of Northern California in the Bay Area. He is also dean of the Zacharias Frankel College in Potsdam, Germany, ordaining Conservative rabbis for Europe. A frequent contributor for the Huffington Post and for the Times of Israel, and a public figure Facebook page with over 60,000 likes, he is the author of 12 books and over 250 articles, most recently Renewing the Process of Creation: A Jewish Integration of Science and Spirit. Married to Elana Artson, they are the proud parents of twins, Jacob and Shira.  Learn more infomation about Rabbi Artson.


Preparing to wander in the wilderness for 40 years, the Israelites know that they must provide not only for their physical requirements in the desert, but for their spiritual needs as well. This week's Torah portion continues the discussion of the building of the Mishkan (the Tabernacle), the portable site of worship that our ancestors carried with them throughout their wanderings.