We are just so blown away by the sense of community in the Intro program and are thankful to have this space to be able to come back to whenever we need.
I have greater capacity than I imagined. I've gained confidence and strength, I can dig deeper than I thought I could, I can do more than I thought I could.
I would urge anyone who is thinking of going back to school to check out AJU. The faculty is beyond welcoming, and the learning that you receive will be life changing.
Early Childhood Education, School for Jewish Education and Leadership
Finding a program that worked for me both professionally and personally was important, and AJU offered me the flexibility I needed in a place that felt comfortable and familiar
School for Jewish Education and Leadership
The Jewish Learning Accelerator has given me the confidence and skills I need to succeed in the future. I feel prepared for college and beyond, and I'm proud to be part of such a dynamic and innovative program.
Jewish Learning Experience
As an interfaith couple, the benefits of this program will help with our goal of raising a Jewish family that includes both of our cultures.
The courses in the MAEd program were able to engage all of the students even though we come from such different backgrounds and skills sets. The time exploring the text and learning how to raise questions was so captivating.
School for Jewish Education and Leadership
I love the way the Jewish Learning Accelerator combines the traditional aspects of Jewish education with modern technology. It's the perfect blend of ancient wisdom and cutting-edge knowledge.
Jewish Learning Experience
I never thought I would be able to earn college credits while still in high school, but the Jewish Learning Accelerator has made it possible. I'm so grateful for the hands-on learning experiences and the chance to connect with other Jewish students.
Jewish Learning Experience
The chance to work with a cohort of like-minded individuals was enticing, helping to create a strong community of Jewish educators who respect each other, support each other, and learn together.
Early Childhood Education, School for Jewish Education and Leadership
I really wasn't looking for a community, I wanted a school - but I found an incredible community here at AJU.
Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies
Dig into the experience and enjoy the learning, the people and all the riches that LA offers.
School for Jewish Education and Leadership
The Jewish Learning Accelerator has given me the opportunity to deepen my knowledge of my faith and culture like never before. The innovative approach to learning has made Jewish studies exciting and relevant to my life.
Jewish Learning Experience
At Ziegler, I find myself questioning everything. As I delve deeper into text, acquiring better skills and proficiency, I realize how little I know - about my tradition, my practices, and myself. This has been a transformative and challenging experience in the best way - I am learning to clearly define who I am and why I have chosen this path.
Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies
A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires. - Paulo Coelho
Early Childhood Education, School for Jewish Education and Leadership
Don't be afraid to dive into the tough parts, and be confident in relying on your fellow BCIers for emotional, physical, and spiritual support.
Ziering Brandeis Camp Institute
My classes at AJU have taught me to look at myself and reflect on my own Jewish identity. I feel the connection to my Judaism and love making those connections with my cohort as well as bringing it into my classroom.
Early Childhood Education, School for Jewish Education and Leadership
Kabbalat shabbat is my favorite service. Being able to enjoy it on a mountaintop, in the fresh air, surrounded by beautiful music and passionate dancing made it 100% more meaningful for me.
Ziering Brandeis Camp Institute
The Intro program is a great resource whether you’re looking for knowledge and community or just peer support.
I could have never imagined that I would be on the path to a rabbinical career, but thanks to brave Queer folks and allies who have fought before me to expand the imaginations of the fearful, here I am, and a big part of my mission in this life is to hold the door open for the next Queer person that is going to come after me, in the same way that a door was built and held open for me.
Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies
I decided to pursue my master's degree in ECE in order to become a more intentional teacher and individual.
Early Childhood Education, School for Jewish Education and Leadership
Thirty-seven years after achieving my goal of an undergrad degree, I find myself thoroughly enjoying the challenge of the MA program at AJU. I am the oldest student in the group and yet feel welcomed by the other students.
Early Childhood Education, School for Jewish Education and Leadership
Working on the aquaponics farm is my form of meditation. There is something therapeutic about planting lettuce seeds in rafts on the water while listening to music with friends.
Ziering Brandeis Camp Institute
Some of the most beautiful moments in the program occur when one person decides to go out on a limb and everyone else in the room instinctively follows their lead out of a sense of support. Don't hesitate to be the first.
Ziering Brandeis Camp Institute
I really loved the way in which the AJU Rabbis and teachers were teaching, and the way they welcomed me into their classrooms, offices, and homes.
Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies
Being able to study together and move through the program as a stable cohort of Jewish early childhood educators provides great support, collaboration, and opportunity for deep relationship building. It is through a community of practice such as this that life-long friendships are formed.
Early Childhood Education, School for Jewish Education and Leadership
"I would tell an incoming student to be an active participant in the school and in advocating for their own educational needs."
Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies
The Intro program was exactly what I was looking for- intellectual and spiritual growth. There was so much to learn from connecting with fellow classmates.
AJU is for you if you have a passion for education, are seeking a community of learners, and are ready to have an entire university rooting for you to achieve your goals. 
Early Childhood Education, School for Jewish Education and Leadership
I was excited by the idea of tapping into my creativity and connecting deeply with Judaism.
Ziering Brandeis Camp Institute
As a teacher, I am always eager to improve and learn more. AJU has given me a place where I can expand my knowledge of teaching in a Jewish environment.
School for Jewish Education and Leadership
I discovered that meditation is very important and helpful to me. I need to stop putting so much pressure on my shoulders and through art, I am able to help my inner child.
Ziering Brandeis Camp Institute
This is an exciting time for the Jewish people and in history. I want to be the kind of leader that will help shape and stabilize, solidify the foundations of our institutions for generations to come.
Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies
I was about to graduate college and I was looking for something to do over the summer before the start of my fellowship. I liked the idea of BCI because it sounded like a nice balance between Jewish learning, artistic expression, and community building.
Ziering Brandeis Camp Institute
From the professors all the way up to the Dean, everyone has been so helpful throughout the admissions process as well as juggling the class schedule. I honestly would not have been able to do this program had it not been for the amazing staff at AJU.
Early Childhood Education, School for Jewish Education and Leadership
Every day I am discovering that I am capable of changing the reality around myself.
Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies
I am lucky to be an AJU student because of the mentorship program. I have had such rich conversations with my mentor about my path as an early childhood educator, and it excites me to know the possibilities that the future will bring!
Early Childhood Education, School for Jewish Education and Leadership
I was really excited about meeting young people from around the world who were all interested, in one way or another, in learning more about Judaism.
Ziering Brandeis Camp Institute