This fall, SJEL has surpassed 100 students, with a total of 102 registered for the fall across all its programs. This is a huge milestone for the school and American Jewish University representing some of the largest enrollment records in the school’s history.
SJEL offers a variety of cohort-based degree and non-degree programs in early childhood education (ECE) and leadership including a bachelor's, master's, and doctorate. Students benefit from a rigorous and challenging academic program that is delivered in a synchronous and asynchronous online format. Classes meet weekly in the evenings, and students have access to mentorship from experts in the field of ECE.
SJEL programs cover a wide range of topics, including STEM, neurodiversity and developmental concerns, cognitive and language development, leadership and advocacy in early childhood, addressing stress and trauma, equity, diversity, and social policy, current trends in ECE research, leading for social change, and Jewish study and philosophy in relation to early childhood.
SJEL also offers a variety of individual extension courses for credit, which can be taken by students who are not enrolled in a degree program.
We are so proud of SJEL's accomplishments, and we are excited to see what the future holds for this innovative institution at AJU. Congratulations to SJEL and its students!
To learn more about SJEL programs and to apply, visit the school's website at www.aju.edu/ece.
We wish SJEL and its students continued success, and we look forward to seeing the many ways they will make a difference in the world of early childhood education!
Contact Communications
Michelle Starkman, M.A., MBA
Vice President, Communications
(310) 440-1526