Rabbinic Ordination, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1986
M.A., Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1986
B.A. summa cum laude, La Salle University, 1981
Rabbi Neal Scheindlin is a lecturer in Mikra'ot Gedolot--Medieval Bible Commentaries in the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies. After serving in pulpits and Jewish education in the East, he taught Jewish Studies for 18 years at Milken Community High School. In that setting, he taught Talmud to 9th and 10th graders, and Halakhah and ethics to 11th graders, as well as Israel Studies. Rabbi Scheindlin also teaches Rabbinics and Parshanut at Hebrew Union College.
The Jewish Family Ethics Textbook, Jewish Publication Society/University of Nebraska Press.
“A Brief Study Guide to The Commentators’ Bible,” Jewish Publication Society, October 2009.
“Reflections on Jewish Chaplaincy in an Interfaith Setting,” The Jewish Chaplain 1:1 (Winter 5756/1996).