Master of Arts in Early Childhood from AJU in 2022
Pam Ranta began her Early Childhood Education journey as a preschool and religious school teacher during her early college years. After five years in the field and wanting to explore other ventures, she entered the business world. Eleven years and two children later, having earned a Bachelor of Arts in Child Development, armed with business classes and management experience, and realizing her passion for Early Childhood, Pam re-entered Jewish Early Childhood Education as the Director at a Conservative Synagogue in Encino, California.
With over 40 years in the field of Early Childhood, Pam’s professional experience combines 30 years as Director of Early Childhood Education in Conservative, Reform and, Jewish Community Center Programs. Other related contributions and services include being past president of the Association for Early Childhood Educators in Los Angeles, Past VP of Finance for Early Childhood Educators of Reform Judaism board, Jewish Early Childhood Education Leadership Institute (JECELI ) mentor in Cohort 2, Mentor to students pursuing a Master Degree at California State University, Northridge in the Consultants program; NAEYC Validator.
Pam earned a Master of Arts in Early Childhood from AJU in 2022 and has been mentoring AJU students since 2020.