Do Jews believe in Heaven? The Afterlife in Judaism

Jews Believe in Heaven
Event Time
12:00 PM
No Cost


Event Details

Do Jews believe in Heaven? The Afterlife in Judaism

Thursdays at 12:00pm PST

We are delighted to offer this class for free. But to ensure we can keep making Jewish education accessible at no charge,  will you make the suggested donation of $36 (or more, if you are so moved)? Thank you for your generosity!  


Do Jews believe in Heaven? Or some other afterlife? These are common questions, with no easy answers. Some Jews believe that there is no afterlife tradition in Judaism, but in fact, the afterlife has its own history in Jewish thought. This course will review the afterlife traditions of Judaism and will provide some startling insights into the effect of the afterlife on Jewish theology and traditional life. 

This class will be on the following Thursdays

January 18th

January 25th

February 1st

February 8th

Rabbi Pinchas Giller headshot

Rabbi Pinchas Giller was ordained at Yeshiva University and received his PhD from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. His has written four scholarly works on Kabbalah and its central work, the Zohar. Rabbi Giller is on the faculty of the Ziegler Rabbinical School and is the head of the Jewish Studies department at the American Jewish University.


Event Contact
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Open Learning
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