Parking at the AJU Familian Campus near the Residence Halls is available free to residents. On-campus students can receive a form to obtain a free parking permit for the Residence Hall parking area (Lot 4) when they check in to the Residence Hall or from the Residence Life Office.
Off-campus students and staff members should fill out the Parking Registration Form to obtain a free parking permit for the Familian Campus. Off-campus parking is designated to the upper parking levels (Lots 2 & 3), not the visitor lot (Lot 1).
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Russell Dion, Director of Facilities at (Russell[dot]Dion[at]aju[dot]edu) or Jaquan Bonner, Facilities Manager at jbonner (jbonner[at]aju[dot]edu).
Cars on campus without a permit, parked illegally, or parked inappropriately will be ticketed, booted and, in extreme cases, towed at owner’s expense.
AJU Parking Office
Familian Campus, Suite 260
(310) 440-1545 or ext. 545