Holocaust Reflections: The Jewish History That Could Have Been
12pm PDT
A special series leading up to Tisha B'av. Jewish history could have been different. At the beginning of World War II, the leaders of the left, right and center of Zionism – David Ben-Gurion, Vladimir Jabotinsky, and Chaim Weizmann – traveled to America, a country paralyzed by isolationism, seeking support for a Jewish army to fight Hitler. It is a little- known story of Jewish heroism and tragedy, unity and disunity – with lessons for today. Professor Berenbaum joins the discussion of the Jewish response at the start of the darkest chapter in Jewish history – and its current relevance.

Rick Richman is a resident scholar at American Jewish University and the author of Racing Against History: The 1940 Campaign for a Jewish Army to Fight Hitler. He graduated with honors from Harvard College and New York University Law School. He has written for Commentary, The Jewish Journal, The Jewish Review of Books, Mosaic Magazine, The New York Post, The New York Sun and other publications, and is the author of the chapter on American Zionism in What America Owes the Jews, What Jews Owe America.

Michael Berenbaum is a Professor of Jewish Studies and Director of the Sigi Ziering Institute at the American Jewish University. He is a writer, a scholar and a creator of Museums. His work has been recognized by the Emmys and Academy Awards.