Recalibrating Professional Success During Uncertain Times
1pm PDT
You are never too old or too young to dig down deep and be honest about what you want to do with yourself. Join AJU’s Dean of the Graduate School of Nonprofit Management, David Groshoff in conversation with Marco Greenberg, author of Primitive: Tapping the Primal Drive That Powers the World’s Most Successful People (published by Hachette, April 2020, and named to WSJ Best-Seller List for Business Books, July 2020) and discover why this time of existential angst, is the perfect time to explore what can lead you to your greatest success in business and life.

Marco Greenberg has spearheaded marketing communications and public affairs campaigns for an array of Fortune 500 corporations, healthcare organizations, and notable venture- and angel-backed startups, and has served as a senior advisor to foreign governments, democratic movements, and NGOs. Previously a managing director at global PR giant Burson-Marsteller, he sees his role as a creative catalyst for breakthrough communications. An in-demand speaker and facilitator, he has written opinion pieces for a range of publications, including Business Insider, Entrepreneur, NY Daily News, Tablet Magazine, and Thrive Global. He holds a BA from UCLA and an MA from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, and taught as an adjunct professor of Innovations in Marketing at NYU and entrepreneurship and PR at Fordham University. Born and raised and in Los Angeles, he splits his time with his wife and three grown children between the upper west side of Manhattan and Great Barrington, Massachusetts.

David Groshoff, J.D., M.B.A., Ed.M. is the Dean, Graduate School of Nonprofit Management, and Professor of Business & Law at American Jewish university.